; ==== D2GL Configs ==== ; Recommended: (ctrl+O) opens in-game option menu. ; All settings except "Other" section can be changed there. [Screen] ; Game will run in fullscreen window. ; Window size (window_width/window_height) will be ignored. fullscreen=false ; Window size. window_width=800 window_height=600 ; Always centered window on launch. ; Window position (window_posx/window_posy) will be ignored. centered_window=false ; Window position. window_posx=523 window_posy=316 ; Unlock Cursor (cursor will not locked within window). unlock_cursor=true ; Auto minimize when lose focus while in fullscreen. auto_minimize=true ; Dark style window title bar. dark_mode=true ; Vertical synchronization. ; Game fps adapt screen refresh rate (might have input lag). vsync=true ; Max Foreground FPS (if vsync is on this will be ignored). ; Limit maximum fps when game window is focused(active) (vsync must be disabled). foreground_fps=false foreground_fps_value=60 ; Max Background FPS. ; Limit maximum fps when game window is in background(inactive). background_fps=true background_fps_value=25 [Graphic] ; Upscale shader. ; RetroArch's slang shader preset files (.slangp). shader_preset=bilinear.slangp ; Color grading (LUT) (only available in glide mode). ; Set one of 1-14 predefined luts. 0 = game default. lut=0 ; Luma sharpen. sharpen=false sharpen_strength=1.160 sharpen_clamp=0.150 sharpen_radius=0.400 ; Fast approximate anti-aliasing (preset: 0-2). fxaa=false fxaa_preset=2 ; Bloom effect. bloom=false bloom_exposure=1.200 bloom_gamma=1.000 ; Stretch viewport to window size. stretched_horizontal=true stretched_vertical=true [Feature] ; HD cursor in game & menu screen. hd_cursor=true ; HD in game text. hd_text=true hd_text_scale=1.200 ; Always on Minimap widget (only available in glide mode). mini_map=true mini_map_text_over=true mini_map_width=200 mini_map_height=150 ; D2DX's Motion Prediction. motion_prediction=true ; Skip the Intro videos. skip_intro=true ; Auto /nopickup option on launch (exclude 1.09d). no_pickup=true ; Show item quantity on bottom left corner of icon. show_item_quantity=true ; Show monster resistances on hp bar. show_monster_res=true ; Show FPS Counter (bottom center). show_fps=false [Other] ; Preferred OpenGL Version (must be 3.3 or between 4.0 to 4.6). gl_ver_major=4 gl_ver_minor=6 ; Use compute shader (enabling this might be better on some gpu). use_compute_shader=false ; Frame Latency (how many frames cpu generate before rendering). ; Set 1-5 (increasing this value notice less frame stutter but introduces more input lag). frame_latency=1 ; Comma-delimited DLLs to load (early: right after attached). load_dlls_early= ; Comma-delimited DLLs to load (late: right after window created). load_dlls_late=