var renderCode = function(exampleName) { var _p5 = p5; var instances = []; var selector = 'example'; var examples = document.getElementsByClassName(selector); if (examples.length > 0) { var sketches = examples[0].getElementsByTagName('code'); var sketches_array =; var i = 0; sketches_array.forEach(function(s) { var rc = s.parentNode.className.indexOf('norender') === -1; setupCode(s, rc, i); runCode(s, rc, i); i++; }); } function enableTab(el) { el.onkeydown = function(e) { if (e.keyCode === 9) { // tab was pressed // get caret position/selection var val = this.value, start = this.selectionStart, end = this.selectionEnd; // set textarea value to: text before caret + tab + text after caret this.value = val.substring(0, start) + ' ' + val.substring(end); // put caret at right position again this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = start + 2; // prevent the focus lose return false; } }; } function setupCode(sketch, rc, i) { var isRef = sketch.parentNode.tagName !== 'PRE'; var sketchNode = isRef ? sketch : sketch.parentNode; var sketchContainer = sketchNode.parentNode; if (isRef) { $(sketchContainer).prepend('

'+exampleName+' example '+i+'

'); var pre = document.createElement('pre'); pre.classList.add('ref'); pre.classList.add('example_code'); pre.appendChild(sketchNode); sketchContainer.appendChild(pre); sketchContainer.className = 'example_container'; sketch.className = 'language-javascript'; if (!rc) { pre.className += ' norender'; } } // remove start and end lines var runnable = sketch.textContent.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); var rows = sketch.textContent.split('\n').length; // store original sketch var orig_sketch = document.createElement('div'); orig_sketch.innerHTML = sketch.innerHTML; // create canvas if (rc) { var cnv = document.createElement('div'); cnv.className = 'cnv_div'; if (isRef) { sketchContainer.prepend(cnv); } else { sketchContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(cnv, sketchContainer); } // create edit space let edit_space = document.createElement('div'); edit_space.className = 'edit_space'; sketchContainer.appendChild(edit_space); $(edit_space).append('
'); var edit_area = document.createElement('textarea'); edit_area.value = runnable; edit_area.rows = rows; edit_area.cols = 62; edit_area.classList.add('edit_area'); edit_space.appendChild(edit_area); enableTab(edit_area); //add buttons let button_space = document.createElement('ul'); edit_space.appendChild(button_space); let copy_button = document.createElement('button'); copy_button.value = 'copy'; copy_button.innerHTML = 'copy'; = 'copy' + i; copy_button.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', + ' example' + i); copy_button.className = 'copy_button'; copy_button.onclick = function() { setMode(sketch, 'edit');; document.execCommand('copy'); }; let copy_li = button_space.appendChild(document.createElement('li')); copy_li.appendChild(copy_button); let reset_button = document.createElement('button'); reset_button.value = 'reset'; reset_button.innerHTML = 'reset'; = 'reset' + i; reset_button.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', + ' example' + i); reset_button.className = 'reset_button'; reset_button.onclick = function() { edit_area.value = orig_sketch.textContent; setMode(sketch, 'run'); }; let reset_li = button_space.appendChild(document.createElement('li')); reset_li.appendChild(reset_button); let edit_button = document.createElement('button'); edit_button.value = 'edit'; edit_button.innerHTML = 'edit'; = 'edit' + i; edit_button.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', + ' example' + i); edit_button.className = 'edit_button'; edit_button.onclick = function(e) { if (edit_button.innerHTML === 'edit') { // edit setMode(sketch, 'edit'); } else { // run setMode(sketch, 'run'); } }; let edit_li = button_space.appendChild(document.createElement('li')); edit_li.appendChild(edit_button); function setMode(sketch, m) { if (m === 'edit') { $('.example_container').each(function(ind, con) { if (ind !== i) { $(con).css('opacity', 0.25); } else { $(con).addClass('editing'); } }); edit_button.innerHTML = 'run'; = 'block'; edit_area.focus(); } else { edit_button.innerHTML = 'edit'; = 'none'; sketch.textContent = edit_area.value; $('.example_container').each(function(ind, con) { $(con).css('opacity', 1.0); $(con).removeClass('editing'); }); runCode(sketch, true, i); } } } } function runCode(sketch, rc, i) { if (instances[i]) { instances[i].remove(); } var sketchNode = sketch.parentNode; var isRef = sketchNode.className.indexOf('ref') !== -1; var sketchContainer = sketchNode.parentNode; var parent = sketchContainer.parentNode; var runnable = sketch.textContent.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); var cnv; if (rc) { if (isRef) { cnv = sketchContainer.getElementsByClassName('cnv_div')[0]; } else { cnv = parent.parentNode.getElementsByClassName('cnv_div')[0]; } cnv.innerHTML = ''; var s = function(p) { var fxns = [ 'setup', 'draw', 'preload', 'mousePressed', 'mouseReleased', 'mouseMoved', 'mouseDragged', 'mouseClicked', 'doubleClicked', 'mouseWheel', 'touchStarted', 'touchMoved', 'touchEnded', 'keyPressed', 'keyReleased', 'keyTyped' ]; var _found = []; // p.preload is an empty function created by the p5.sound library in order to use the p5.js preload system // to load AudioWorklet modules before a sketch runs, even if that sketch doesn't have its own preload function. // However, this causes an error in the eval code below because the _found array will always contain "preload", // even if the sketch in question doesn't have a preload function. To get around this, we delete p.preload before // eval-ing the sketch and add it back afterwards if the sketch doesn't contain its own preload function. // For more info, see: if (p.preload) { delete p.preload; } with (p) { // Builds a function to detect declared functions via // them being hoisted past the return statement. Does // not execute runnable. Two returns with different // conditions guarantee a return but suppress unreachable // code warnings. eval([ '(function() {', (_name) { return [ 'try {', ' eval(' + _name + ');', ' _found.push(\'' + _name + '\');', '} catch(e) {', ' if(!(e instanceof ReferenceError)) {', ' throw e;', ' }', '}' ].join(''); }).join(''), 'if(_found.length) return;', 'if(!_found.length) return;', runnable, '})();' ].join('\n')); } // If we haven't found any functions we'll assume it's // just a setup body with an empty preload. if (!_found.length) { p.preload = function() {}; p.setup = function() { p.createCanvas(100, 100); p.background(200); with (p) { eval(runnable); } }; } else { // Actually runs the code to get functions into scope. with (p) { eval(runnable); } _found.forEach(function(name) { p[name] = eval(name); }); // Ensure p.preload exists even if the sketch doesn't have a preload function. p.preload = p.preload || function() {}; p.setup = p.setup || function() { p.createCanvas(100, 100); p.background(200); }; } }; } //if (typeof prettyPrint !== 'undefined') prettyPrint(); if (typeof Prism !== 'undefined') { Prism.highlightAll(); } // when a hash is changed, remove all the sounds, // even tho the p5 sketch has been disposed. function registerHashChange() { window.onhashchange = function(e) { for (var i = 0; i < instances.length; i++) { instances[i].remove(); } }; } $(document).ready(function() { registerHashChange(); setTimeout(function() { var myp5 = new _p5(s, cnv); instances[i] = myp5; }, 100); }); } };