(function () { // https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/templates/returnExports.js (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define('documented-method',[], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) { module.exports = factory(); } else { root.DocumentedMethod = factory(); } }(this, function () { function extend(target, src) { Object.keys(src).forEach(function(prop) { target[prop] = src[prop]; }); return target; } function DocumentedMethod(classitem) { extend(this, classitem); if (this.overloads) { // Make each overload inherit properties from their parent // classitem. this.overloads = this.overloads.map(function(overload) { return extend(Object.create(this), overload); }, this); if (this.params) { throw new Error('params for overloaded methods should be undefined'); } this.params = this._getMergedParams(); } } DocumentedMethod.prototype = { // Merge parameters across all overloaded versions of this item. _getMergedParams: function() { var paramNames = {}; var params = []; this.overloads.forEach(function(overload) { if (!overload.params) { return; } overload.params.forEach(function(param) { if (param.name in paramNames) { return; } paramNames[param.name] = param; params.push(param); }); }); return params; } }; return DocumentedMethod; })); /** * @license RequireJS text 2.0.10 Copyright (c) 2010-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. * Available via the MIT or new BSD license. * see: http://github.com/requirejs/text for details */ /*jslint regexp: true */ /*global require, XMLHttpRequest, ActiveXObject, define, window, process, Packages, java, location, Components, FileUtils */ define('text',['module'], function (module) { 'use strict'; var text, fs, Cc, Ci, xpcIsWindows, progIds = ['Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0'], xmlRegExp = /^\s*<\?xml(\s)+version=[\'\"](\d)*.(\d)*[\'\"](\s)*\?>/im, bodyRegExp = /
]*>\s*([\s\S]+)\s*<\/body>/im, hasLocation = typeof location !== 'undefined' && location.href, defaultProtocol = hasLocation && location.protocol && location.protocol.replace(/\:/, ''), defaultHostName = hasLocation && location.hostname, defaultPort = hasLocation && (location.port || undefined), buildMap = {}, masterConfig = (module.config && module.config()) || {}; text = { version: '2.0.10', strip: function (content) { //Strips declarations so that external SVG and XML //documents can be added to a document without worry. Also, if the string //is an HTML document, only the part inside the body tag is returned. if (content) { content = content.replace(xmlRegExp, ""); var matches = content.match(bodyRegExp); if (matches) { content = matches[1]; } } else { content = ""; } return content; }, jsEscape: function (content) { return content.replace(/(['\\])/g, '\\$1') .replace(/[\f]/g, "\\f") .replace(/[\b]/g, "\\b") .replace(/[\n]/g, "\\n") .replace(/[\t]/g, "\\t") .replace(/[\r]/g, "\\r") .replace(/[\u2028]/g, "\\u2028") .replace(/[\u2029]/g, "\\u2029"); }, createXhr: masterConfig.createXhr || function () { //Would love to dump the ActiveX crap in here. Need IE 6 to die first. var xhr, i, progId; if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (typeof ActiveXObject !== "undefined") { for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { progId = progIds[i]; try { xhr = new ActiveXObject(progId); } catch (e) {} if (xhr) { progIds = [progId]; // so faster next time break; } } } return xhr; }, /** * Parses a resource name into its component parts. Resource names * look like: module/name.ext!strip, where the !strip part is * optional. * @param {String} name the resource name * @returns {Object} with properties "moduleName", "ext" and "strip" * where strip is a boolean. */ parseName: function (name) { var modName, ext, temp, strip = false, index = name.indexOf("."), isRelative = name.indexOf('./') === 0 || name.indexOf('../') === 0; if (index !== -1 && (!isRelative || index > 1)) { modName = name.substring(0, index); ext = name.substring(index + 1, name.length); } else { modName = name; } temp = ext || modName; index = temp.indexOf("!"); if (index !== -1) { //Pull off the strip arg. strip = temp.substring(index + 1) === "strip"; temp = temp.substring(0, index); if (ext) { ext = temp; } else { modName = temp; } } return { moduleName: modName, ext: ext, strip: strip }; }, xdRegExp: /^((\w+)\:)?\/\/([^\/\\]+)/, /** * Is an URL on another domain. Only works for browser use, returns * false in non-browser environments. Only used to know if an * optimized .js version of a text resource should be loaded * instead. * @param {String} url * @returns Boolean */ useXhr: function (url, protocol, hostname, port) { var uProtocol, uHostName, uPort, match = text.xdRegExp.exec(url); if (!match) { return true; } uProtocol = match[2]; uHostName = match[3]; uHostName = uHostName.split(':'); uPort = uHostName[1]; uHostName = uHostName[0]; return (!uProtocol || uProtocol === protocol) && (!uHostName || uHostName.toLowerCase() === hostname.toLowerCase()) && ((!uPort && !uHostName) || uPort === port); }, finishLoad: function (name, strip, content, onLoad) { content = strip ? text.strip(content) : content; if (masterConfig.isBuild) { buildMap[name] = content; } onLoad(content); }, load: function (name, req, onLoad, config) { //Name has format: some.module.filext!strip //The strip part is optional. //if strip is present, then that means only get the string contents //inside a body tag in an HTML string. For XML/SVG content it means //removing the declarations so the content can be inserted //into the current doc without problems. // Do not bother with the work if a build and text will // not be inlined. if (config.isBuild && !config.inlineText) { onLoad(); return; } masterConfig.isBuild = config.isBuild; var parsed = text.parseName(name), nonStripName = parsed.moduleName + (parsed.ext ? '.' + parsed.ext : ''), url = req.toUrl(nonStripName), useXhr = (masterConfig.useXhr) || text.useXhr; // Do not load if it is an empty: url if (url.indexOf('empty:') === 0) { onLoad(); return; } //Load the text. Use XHR if possible and in a browser. if (!hasLocation || useXhr(url, defaultProtocol, defaultHostName, defaultPort)) { text.get(url, function (content) { text.finishLoad(name, parsed.strip, content, onLoad); }, function (err) { if (onLoad.error) { onLoad.error(err); } }); } else { //Need to fetch the resource across domains. Assume //the resource has been optimized into a JS module. Fetch //by the module name + extension, but do not include the //!strip part to avoid file system issues. req([nonStripName], function (content) { text.finishLoad(parsed.moduleName + '.' + parsed.ext, parsed.strip, content, onLoad); }); } }, write: function (pluginName, moduleName, write, config) { if (buildMap.hasOwnProperty(moduleName)) { var content = text.jsEscape(buildMap[moduleName]); write.asModule(pluginName + "!" + moduleName, "define(function () { return '" + content + "';});\n"); } }, writeFile: function (pluginName, moduleName, req, write, config) { var parsed = text.parseName(moduleName), extPart = parsed.ext ? '.' + parsed.ext : '', nonStripName = parsed.moduleName + extPart, //Use a '.js' file name so that it indicates it is a //script that can be loaded across domains. fileName = req.toUrl(parsed.moduleName + extPart) + '.js'; //Leverage own load() method to load plugin value, but only //write out values that do not have the strip argument, //to avoid any potential issues with ! in file names. text.load(nonStripName, req, function (value) { //Use own write() method to construct full module value. //But need to create shell that translates writeFile's //write() to the right interface. var textWrite = function (contents) { return write(fileName, contents); }; textWrite.asModule = function (moduleName, contents) { return write.asModule(moduleName, fileName, contents); }; text.write(pluginName, nonStripName, textWrite, config); }, config); } }; if (masterConfig.env === 'node' || (!masterConfig.env && typeof process !== "undefined" && process.versions && !!process.versions.node && !process.versions['node-webkit'])) { //Using special require.nodeRequire, something added by r.js. fs = require.nodeRequire('fs'); text.get = function (url, callback, errback) { try { var file = fs.readFileSync(url, 'utf8'); //Remove BOM (Byte Mark Order) from utf8 files if it is there. if (file.indexOf('\uFEFF') === 0) { file = file.substring(1); } callback(file); } catch (e) { errback(e); } }; } else if (masterConfig.env === 'xhr' || (!masterConfig.env && text.createXhr())) { text.get = function (url, callback, errback, headers) { var xhr = text.createXhr(), header; xhr.open('GET', url, true); //Allow plugins direct access to xhr headers if (headers) { for (header in headers) { if (headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) { xhr.setRequestHeader(header.toLowerCase(), headers[header]); } } } //Allow overrides specified in config if (masterConfig.onXhr) { masterConfig.onXhr(xhr, url); } xhr.onreadystatechange = function (evt) { var status, err; //Do not explicitly handle errors, those should be //visible via console output in the browser. if (xhr.readyState === 4) { status = xhr.status; if (status > 399 && status < 600) { //An http 4xx or 5xx error. Signal an error. err = new Error(url + ' HTTP status: ' + status); err.xhr = xhr; errback(err); } else { callback(xhr.responseText); } if (masterConfig.onXhrComplete) { masterConfig.onXhrComplete(xhr, url); } } }; xhr.send(null); }; } else if (masterConfig.env === 'rhino' || (!masterConfig.env && typeof Packages !== 'undefined' && typeof java !== 'undefined')) { //Why Java, why is this so awkward? text.get = function (url, callback) { var stringBuffer, line, encoding = "utf-8", file = new java.io.File(url), lineSeparator = java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator"), input = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.InputStreamReader(new java.io.FileInputStream(file), encoding)), content = ''; try { stringBuffer = new java.lang.StringBuffer(); line = input.readLine(); // Byte Order Mark (BOM) - The Unicode Standard, version 3.0, page 324 // http://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html // Note that when we use utf-8, the BOM should appear as "EF BB BF", but it doesn't due to this bug in the JDK: // http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4508058 if (line && line.length() && line.charAt(0) === 0xfeff) { // Eat the BOM, since we've already found the encoding on this file, // and we plan to concatenating this buffer with others; the BOM should // only appear at the top of a file. line = line.substring(1); } if (line !== null) { stringBuffer.append(line); } while ((line = input.readLine()) !== null) { stringBuffer.append(lineSeparator); stringBuffer.append(line); } //Make sure we return a JavaScript string and not a Java string. content = String(stringBuffer.toString()); //String } finally { input.close(); } callback(content); }; } else if (masterConfig.env === 'xpconnect' || (!masterConfig.env && typeof Components !== 'undefined' && Components.classes && Components.interfaces)) { //Avert your gaze! Cc = Components.classes, Ci = Components.interfaces; Components.utils['import']('resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm'); xpcIsWindows = ('@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1' in Cc); text.get = function (url, callback) { var inStream, convertStream, fileObj, readData = {}; if (xpcIsWindows) { url = url.replace(/\//g, '\\'); } fileObj = new FileUtils.File(url); //XPCOM, you so crazy try { inStream = Cc['@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1'] .createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream); inStream.init(fileObj, 1, 0, false); convertStream = Cc['@mozilla.org/intl/converter-input-stream;1'] .createInstance(Ci.nsIConverterInputStream); convertStream.init(inStream, "utf-8", inStream.available(), Ci.nsIConverterInputStream.DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER); convertStream.readString(inStream.available(), readData); convertStream.close(); inStream.close(); callback(readData.value); } catch (e) { throw new Error((fileObj && fileObj.path || '') + ': ' + e); } }; } return text; }); define('text!tpl/search.html',[],function () { return '\n\n <%=name%>\n\n \n <% if (final) { %>\n constant\n <% } else if (itemtype) { %>\n <%=itemtype%> \n <% } %>\n\n <% if (className) { %>\n in <%=className%>\n <% } %>\n\n <% if (typeof is_constructor !== \'undefined\' && is_constructor) { %>\n constructor\n <% } %>\n \n\n
';}); /*! * typeahead.js 0.10.2 * https://github.com/twitter/typeahead.js * Copyright 2013-2014 Twitter, Inc. and other contributors; Licensed MIT */ define('typeahead',[], function() { //(function($) { var _ = { isMsie: function() { return /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? navigator.userAgent.match(/(msie |rv:)(\d+(.\d+)?)/i)[2] : false; }, isBlankString: function(str) { return !str || /^\s*$/.test(str); }, escapeRegExChars: function(str) { return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); }, isString: function(obj) { return typeof obj === "string"; }, isNumber: function(obj) { return typeof obj === "number"; }, isArray: $.isArray, isFunction: $.isFunction, isObject: $.isPlainObject, isUndefined: function(obj) { return typeof obj === "undefined"; }, bind: $.proxy, each: function(collection, cb) { $.each(collection, reverseArgs); function reverseArgs(index, value) { return cb(value, index); } }, map: $.map, filter: $.grep, every: function(obj, test) { var result = true; if (!obj) { return result; } $.each(obj, function(key, val) { if (!(result = test.call(null, val, key, obj))) { return false; } }); return !!result; }, some: function(obj, test) { var result = false; if (!obj) { return result; } $.each(obj, function(key, val) { if (result = test.call(null, val, key, obj)) { return false; } }); return !!result; }, mixin: $.extend, getUniqueId: function() { var counter = 0; return function() { return counter++; }; }(), templatify: function templatify(obj) { return $.isFunction(obj) ? obj : template; function template() { return String(obj); } }, defer: function(fn) { setTimeout(fn, 0); }, debounce: function(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout, result; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments, later, callNow; later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) { result = func.apply(context, args); } }; callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) { result = func.apply(context, args); } return result; }; }, throttle: function(func, wait) { var context, args, timeout, result, previous, later; previous = 0; later = function() { previous = new Date(); timeout = null; result = func.apply(context, args); }; return function() { var now = new Date(), remaining = wait - (now - previous); context = this; args = arguments; if (remaining <= 0) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; previous = now; result = func.apply(context, args); } else if (!timeout) { timeout = setTimeout(later, remaining); } return result; }; }, noop: function() {} }; var VERSION = "0.10.2"; var tokenizers = function(root) { return { nonword: nonword, whitespace: whitespace, obj: { nonword: getObjTokenizer(nonword), whitespace: getObjTokenizer(whitespace) } }; function whitespace(s) { return s.split(/\s+/); } function nonword(s) { return s.split(/\W+/); } function getObjTokenizer(tokenizer) { return function setKey(key) { return function tokenize(o) { return tokenizer(o[key]); }; }; } }(); var LruCache = function() { function LruCache(maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize || 100; this.size = 0; this.hash = {}; this.list = new List(); } _.mixin(LruCache.prototype, { set: function set(key, val) { var tailItem = this.list.tail, node; if (this.size >= this.maxSize) { this.list.remove(tailItem); delete this.hash[tailItem.key]; } if (node = this.hash[key]) { node.val = val; this.list.moveToFront(node); } else { node = new Node(key, val); this.list.add(node); this.hash[key] = node; this.size++; } }, get: function get(key) { var node = this.hash[key]; if (node) { this.list.moveToFront(node); return node.val; } } }); function List() { this.head = this.tail = null; } _.mixin(List.prototype, { add: function add(node) { if (this.head) { node.next = this.head; this.head.prev = node; } this.head = node; this.tail = this.tail || node; }, remove: function remove(node) { node.prev ? node.prev.next = node.next : this.head = node.next; node.next ? node.next.prev = node.prev : this.tail = node.prev; }, moveToFront: function(node) { this.remove(node); this.add(node); } }); function Node(key, val) { this.key = key; this.val = val; this.prev = this.next = null; } return LruCache; }(); var PersistentStorage = function() { var ls, methods; try { ls = window.localStorage; ls.setItem("~~~", "!"); ls.removeItem("~~~"); } catch (err) { ls = null; } function PersistentStorage(namespace) { this.prefix = [ "__", namespace, "__" ].join(""); this.ttlKey = "__ttl__"; this.keyMatcher = new RegExp("^" + this.prefix); } if (ls && window.JSON) { methods = { _prefix: function(key) { return this.prefix + key; }, _ttlKey: function(key) { return this._prefix(key) + this.ttlKey; }, get: function(key) { if (this.isExpired(key)) { this.remove(key); } return decode(ls.getItem(this._prefix(key))); }, set: function(key, val, ttl) { if (_.isNumber(ttl)) { ls.setItem(this._ttlKey(key), encode(now() + ttl)); } else { ls.removeItem(this._ttlKey(key)); } return ls.setItem(this._prefix(key), encode(val)); }, remove: function(key) { ls.removeItem(this._ttlKey(key)); ls.removeItem(this._prefix(key)); return this; }, clear: function() { var i, key, keys = [], len = ls.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if ((key = ls.key(i)).match(this.keyMatcher)) { keys.push(key.replace(this.keyMatcher, "")); } } for (i = keys.length; i--; ) { this.remove(keys[i]); } return this; }, isExpired: function(key) { var ttl = decode(ls.getItem(this._ttlKey(key))); return _.isNumber(ttl) && now() > ttl ? true : false; } }; } else { methods = { get: _.noop, set: _.noop, remove: _.noop, clear: _.noop, isExpired: _.noop }; } _.mixin(PersistentStorage.prototype, methods); return PersistentStorage; function now() { return new Date().getTime(); } function encode(val) { return JSON.stringify(_.isUndefined(val) ? null : val); } function decode(val) { return JSON.parse(val); } }(); var Transport = function() { var pendingRequestsCount = 0, pendingRequests = {}, maxPendingRequests = 6, requestCache = new LruCache(10); function Transport(o) { o = o || {}; this._send = o.transport ? callbackToDeferred(o.transport) : $.ajax; this._get = o.rateLimiter ? o.rateLimiter(this._get) : this._get; } Transport.setMaxPendingRequests = function setMaxPendingRequests(num) { maxPendingRequests = num; }; Transport.resetCache = function clearCache() { requestCache = new LruCache(10); }; _.mixin(Transport.prototype, { _get: function(url, o, cb) { var that = this, jqXhr; if (jqXhr = pendingRequests[url]) { jqXhr.done(done).fail(fail); } else if (pendingRequestsCount < maxPendingRequests) { pendingRequestsCount++; pendingRequests[url] = this._send(url, o).done(done).fail(fail).always(always); } else { this.onDeckRequestArgs = [].slice.call(arguments, 0); } function done(resp) { cb && cb(null, resp); requestCache.set(url, resp); } function fail() { cb && cb(true); } function always() { pendingRequestsCount--; delete pendingRequests[url]; if (that.onDeckRequestArgs) { that._get.apply(that, that.onDeckRequestArgs); that.onDeckRequestArgs = null; } } }, get: function(url, o, cb) { var resp; if (_.isFunction(o)) { cb = o; o = {}; } if (resp = requestCache.get(url)) { _.defer(function() { cb && cb(null, resp); }); } else { this._get(url, o, cb); } return !!resp; } }); return Transport; function callbackToDeferred(fn) { return function customSendWrapper(url, o) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); fn(url, o, onSuccess, onError); return deferred; function onSuccess(resp) { _.defer(function() { deferred.resolve(resp); }); } function onError(err) { _.defer(function() { deferred.reject(err); }); } }; } }(); var SearchIndex = function() { function SearchIndex(o) { o = o || {}; if (!o.datumTokenizer || !o.queryTokenizer) { $.error("datumTokenizer and queryTokenizer are both required"); } this.datumTokenizer = o.datumTokenizer; this.queryTokenizer = o.queryTokenizer; this.reset(); } _.mixin(SearchIndex.prototype, { bootstrap: function bootstrap(o) { this.datums = o.datums; this.trie = o.trie; }, add: function(data) { var that = this; data = _.isArray(data) ? data : [ data ]; _.each(data, function(datum) { var id, tokens; id = that.datums.push(datum) - 1; tokens = normalizeTokens(that.datumTokenizer(datum)); _.each(tokens, function(token) { var node, chars, ch; node = that.trie; chars = token.split(""); while (ch = chars.shift()) { node = node.children[ch] || (node.children[ch] = newNode()); node.ids.push(id); } }); }); }, get: function get(query) { var that = this, tokens, matches; tokens = normalizeTokens(this.queryTokenizer(query)); _.each(tokens, function(token) { var node, chars, ch, ids; if (matches && matches.length === 0) { return false; } node = that.trie; chars = token.split(""); while (node && (ch = chars.shift())) { node = node.children[ch]; } if (node && chars.length === 0) { ids = node.ids.slice(0); matches = matches ? getIntersection(matches, ids) : ids; } else { matches = []; return false; } }); return matches ? _.map(unique(matches), function(id) { return that.datums[id]; }) : []; }, reset: function reset() { this.datums = []; this.trie = newNode(); }, serialize: function serialize() { return { datums: this.datums, trie: this.trie }; } }); return SearchIndex; function normalizeTokens(tokens) { tokens = _.filter(tokens, function(token) { return !!token; }); tokens = _.map(tokens, function(token) { return token.toLowerCase(); }); return tokens; } function newNode() { return { ids: [], children: {} }; } function unique(array) { var seen = {}, uniques = []; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (!seen[array[i]]) { seen[array[i]] = true; uniques.push(array[i]); } } return uniques; } function getIntersection(arrayA, arrayB) { var ai = 0, bi = 0, intersection = []; arrayA = arrayA.sort(compare); arrayB = arrayB.sort(compare); while (ai < arrayA.length && bi < arrayB.length) { if (arrayA[ai] < arrayB[bi]) { ai++; } else if (arrayA[ai] > arrayB[bi]) { bi++; } else { intersection.push(arrayA[ai]); ai++; bi++; } } return intersection; function compare(a, b) { return a - b; } } }(); var oParser = function() { return { local: getLocal, prefetch: getPrefetch, remote: getRemote }; function getLocal(o) { return o.local || null; } function getPrefetch(o) { var prefetch, defaults; defaults = { url: null, thumbprint: "", ttl: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3, filter: null, ajax: {} }; if (prefetch = o.prefetch || null) { prefetch = _.isString(prefetch) ? { url: prefetch } : prefetch; prefetch = _.mixin(defaults, prefetch); prefetch.thumbprint = VERSION + prefetch.thumbprint; prefetch.ajax.type = prefetch.ajax.type || "GET"; prefetch.ajax.dataType = prefetch.ajax.dataType || "json"; !prefetch.url && $.error("prefetch requires url to be set"); } return prefetch; } function getRemote(o) { var remote, defaults; defaults = { url: null, wildcard: "%QUERY", replace: null, rateLimitBy: "debounce", rateLimitWait: 300, send: null, filter: null, ajax: {} }; if (remote = o.remote || null) { remote = _.isString(remote) ? { url: remote } : remote; remote = _.mixin(defaults, remote); remote.rateLimiter = /^throttle$/i.test(remote.rateLimitBy) ? byThrottle(remote.rateLimitWait) : byDebounce(remote.rateLimitWait); remote.ajax.type = remote.ajax.type || "GET"; remote.ajax.dataType = remote.ajax.dataType || "json"; delete remote.rateLimitBy; delete remote.rateLimitWait; !remote.url && $.error("remote requires url to be set"); } return remote; function byDebounce(wait) { return function(fn) { return _.debounce(fn, wait); }; } function byThrottle(wait) { return function(fn) { return _.throttle(fn, wait); }; } } }(); (function(root) { var old, keys; old = root.Bloodhound; keys = { data: "data", protocol: "protocol", thumbprint: "thumbprint" }; root.Bloodhound = Bloodhound; function Bloodhound(o) { if (!o || !o.local && !o.prefetch && !o.remote) { $.error("one of local, prefetch, or remote is required"); } this.limit = o.limit || 5; this.sorter = getSorter(o.sorter); this.dupDetector = o.dupDetector || ignoreDuplicates; this.local = oParser.local(o); this.prefetch = oParser.prefetch(o); this.remote = oParser.remote(o); this.cacheKey = this.prefetch ? this.prefetch.cacheKey || this.prefetch.url : null; this.index = new SearchIndex({ datumTokenizer: o.datumTokenizer, queryTokenizer: o.queryTokenizer }); this.storage = this.cacheKey ? new PersistentStorage(this.cacheKey) : null; } Bloodhound.noConflict = function noConflict() { root.Bloodhound = old; return Bloodhound; }; Bloodhound.tokenizers = tokenizers; _.mixin(Bloodhound.prototype, { _loadPrefetch: function loadPrefetch(o) { var that = this, serialized, deferred; if (serialized = this._readFromStorage(o.thumbprint)) { this.index.bootstrap(serialized); deferred = $.Deferred().resolve(); } else { deferred = $.ajax(o.url, o.ajax).done(handlePrefetchResponse); } return deferred; function handlePrefetchResponse(resp) { that.clear(); that.add(o.filter ? o.filter(resp) : resp); that._saveToStorage(that.index.serialize(), o.thumbprint, o.ttl); } }, _getFromRemote: function getFromRemote(query, cb) { var that = this, url, uriEncodedQuery; query = query || ""; uriEncodedQuery = encodeURIComponent(query); url = this.remote.replace ? this.remote.replace(this.remote.url, query) : this.remote.url.replace(this.remote.wildcard, uriEncodedQuery); return this.transport.get(url, this.remote.ajax, handleRemoteResponse); function handleRemoteResponse(err, resp) { err ? cb([]) : cb(that.remote.filter ? that.remote.filter(resp) : resp); } }, _saveToStorage: function saveToStorage(data, thumbprint, ttl) { if (this.storage) { this.storage.set(keys.data, data, ttl); this.storage.set(keys.protocol, location.protocol, ttl); this.storage.set(keys.thumbprint, thumbprint, ttl); } }, _readFromStorage: function readFromStorage(thumbprint) { var stored = {}, isExpired; if (this.storage) { stored.data = this.storage.get(keys.data); stored.protocol = this.storage.get(keys.protocol); stored.thumbprint = this.storage.get(keys.thumbprint); } isExpired = stored.thumbprint !== thumbprint || stored.protocol !== location.protocol; return stored.data && !isExpired ? stored.data : null; }, _initialize: function initialize() { var that = this, local = this.local, deferred; deferred = this.prefetch ? this._loadPrefetch(this.prefetch) : $.Deferred().resolve(); local && deferred.done(addLocalToIndex); this.transport = this.remote ? new Transport(this.remote) : null; return this.initPromise = deferred.promise(); function addLocalToIndex() { that.add(_.isFunction(local) ? local() : local); } }, initialize: function initialize(force) { return !this.initPromise || force ? this._initialize() : this.initPromise; }, add: function add(data) { this.index.add(data); }, get: function get(query, cb) { var that = this, matches = [], cacheHit = false; matches = this.index.get(query); matches = this.sorter(matches).slice(0, this.limit); if (matches.length < this.limit && this.transport) { cacheHit = this._getFromRemote(query, returnRemoteMatches); } if (!cacheHit) { (matches.length > 0 || !this.transport) && cb && cb(matches); } function returnRemoteMatches(remoteMatches) { var matchesWithBackfill = matches.slice(0); _.each(remoteMatches, function(remoteMatch) { var isDuplicate; isDuplicate = _.some(matchesWithBackfill, function(match) { return that.dupDetector(remoteMatch, match); }); !isDuplicate && matchesWithBackfill.push(remoteMatch); return matchesWithBackfill.length < that.limit; }); cb && cb(that.sorter(matchesWithBackfill)); } }, clear: function clear() { this.index.reset(); }, clearPrefetchCache: function clearPrefetchCache() { this.storage && this.storage.clear(); }, clearRemoteCache: function clearRemoteCache() { this.transport && Transport.resetCache(); }, ttAdapter: function ttAdapter() { return _.bind(this.get, this); } }); return Bloodhound; function getSorter(sortFn) { return _.isFunction(sortFn) ? sort : noSort; function sort(array) { return array.sort(sortFn); } function noSort(array) { return array; } } function ignoreDuplicates() { return false; } })(this); var html = { wrapper: '', dropdown: '', dataset: '', suggestions: '', suggestion: '' }; var css = { wrapper: { position: "relative", display: "inline-block" }, hint: { position: "absolute", top: "0", left: "0", borderColor: "transparent", boxShadow: "none" }, input: { position: "relative", verticalAlign: "top", backgroundColor: "transparent" }, inputWithNoHint: { position: "relative", verticalAlign: "top" }, dropdown: { position: "absolute", top: "100%", left: "0", zIndex: "100", display: "none" }, suggestions: { display: "block" }, suggestion: { whiteSpace: "nowrap", cursor: "pointer" }, suggestionChild: { whiteSpace: "normal" }, ltr: { left: "0", right: "auto" }, rtl: { left: "auto", right: " 0" } }; if (_.isMsie()) { _.mixin(css.input, { backgroundImage: "url()" }); } if (_.isMsie() && _.isMsie() <= 7) { _.mixin(css.input, { marginTop: "-1px" }); } var EventBus = function() { var namespace = "typeahead:"; function EventBus(o) { if (!o || !o.el) { $.error("EventBus initialized without el"); } this.$el = $(o.el); } _.mixin(EventBus.prototype, { trigger: function(type) { var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); this.$el.trigger(namespace + type, args); } }); return EventBus; }(); var EventEmitter = function() { var splitter = /\s+/, nextTick = getNextTick(); return { onSync: onSync, onAsync: onAsync, off: off, trigger: trigger }; function on(method, types, cb, context) { var type; if (!cb) { return this; } types = types.split(splitter); cb = context ? bindContext(cb, context) : cb; this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}; while (type = types.shift()) { this._callbacks[type] = this._callbacks[type] || { sync: [], async: [] }; this._callbacks[type][method].push(cb); } return this; } function onAsync(types, cb, context) { return on.call(this, "async", types, cb, context); } function onSync(types, cb, context) { return on.call(this, "sync", types, cb, context); } function off(types) { var type; if (!this._callbacks) { return this; } types = types.split(splitter); while (type = types.shift()) { delete this._callbacks[type]; } return this; } function trigger(types) { var type, callbacks, args, syncFlush, asyncFlush; if (!this._callbacks) { return this; } types = types.split(splitter); args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); while ((type = types.shift()) && (callbacks = this._callbacks[type])) { syncFlush = getFlush(callbacks.sync, this, [ type ].concat(args)); asyncFlush = getFlush(callbacks.async, this, [ type ].concat(args)); syncFlush() && nextTick(asyncFlush); } return this; } function getFlush(callbacks, context, args) { return flush; function flush() { var cancelled; for (var i = 0; !cancelled && i < callbacks.length; i += 1) { cancelled = callbacks[i].apply(context, args) === false; } return !cancelled; } } function getNextTick() { var nextTickFn; if (window.setImmediate) { nextTickFn = function nextTickSetImmediate(fn) { setImmediate(function() { fn(); }); }; } else { nextTickFn = function nextTickSetTimeout(fn) { setTimeout(function() { fn(); }, 0); }; } return nextTickFn; } function bindContext(fn, context) { return fn.bind ? fn.bind(context) : function() { fn.apply(context, [].slice.call(arguments, 0)); }; } }(); var highlight = function(doc) { var defaults = { node: null, pattern: null, tagName: "strong", className: null, wordsOnly: false, caseSensitive: false }; return function hightlight(o) { var regex; o = _.mixin({}, defaults, o); if (!o.node || !o.pattern) { return; } o.pattern = _.isArray(o.pattern) ? o.pattern : [ o.pattern ]; regex = getRegex(o.pattern, o.caseSensitive, o.wordsOnly); traverse(o.node, hightlightTextNode); function hightlightTextNode(textNode) { var match, patternNode; if (match = regex.exec(textNode.data)) { wrapperNode = doc.createElement(o.tagName); o.className && (wrapperNode.className = o.className); patternNode = textNode.splitText(match.index); patternNode.splitText(match[0].length); wrapperNode.appendChild(patternNode.cloneNode(true)); textNode.parentNode.replaceChild(wrapperNode, patternNode); } return !!match; } function traverse(el, hightlightTextNode) { var childNode, TEXT_NODE_TYPE = 3; for (var i = 0; i < el.childNodes.length; i++) { childNode = el.childNodes[i]; if (childNode.nodeType === TEXT_NODE_TYPE) { i += hightlightTextNode(childNode) ? 1 : 0; } else { traverse(childNode, hightlightTextNode); } } } }; function getRegex(patterns, caseSensitive, wordsOnly) { var escapedPatterns = [], regexStr; for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { escapedPatterns.push(_.escapeRegExChars(patterns[i])); } regexStr = wordsOnly ? "\\b(" + escapedPatterns.join("|") + ")\\b" : "(" + escapedPatterns.join("|") + ")"; return caseSensitive ? new RegExp(regexStr) : new RegExp(regexStr, "i"); } }(window.document); var Input = function() { var specialKeyCodeMap; specialKeyCodeMap = { 9: "tab", 27: "esc", 37: "left", 39: "right", 13: "enter", 38: "up", 40: "down" }; function Input(o) { var that = this, onBlur, onFocus, onKeydown, onInput; o = o || {}; if (!o.input) { $.error("input is missing"); } onBlur = _.bind(this._onBlur, this); onFocus = _.bind(this._onFocus, this); onKeydown = _.bind(this._onKeydown, this); onInput = _.bind(this._onInput, this); this.$hint = $(o.hint); this.$input = $(o.input).on("blur.tt", onBlur).on("focus.tt", onFocus).on("keydown.tt", onKeydown); if (this.$hint.length === 0) { this.setHint = this.getHint = this.clearHint = this.clearHintIfInvalid = _.noop; } if (!_.isMsie()) { this.$input.on("input.tt", onInput); } else { this.$input.on("keydown.tt keypress.tt cut.tt paste.tt", function($e) { if (specialKeyCodeMap[$e.which || $e.keyCode]) { return; } _.defer(_.bind(that._onInput, that, $e)); }); } this.query = this.$input.val(); this.$overflowHelper = buildOverflowHelper(this.$input); } Input.normalizeQuery = function(str) { return (str || "").replace(/^\s*/g, "").replace(/\s{2,}/g, " "); }; _.mixin(Input.prototype, EventEmitter, { _onBlur: function onBlur() { this.resetInputValue(); this.trigger("blurred"); }, _onFocus: function onFocus() { this.trigger("focused"); }, _onKeydown: function onKeydown($e) { var keyName = specialKeyCodeMap[$e.which || $e.keyCode]; this._managePreventDefault(keyName, $e); if (keyName && this._shouldTrigger(keyName, $e)) { this.trigger(keyName + "Keyed", $e); } }, _onInput: function onInput() { this._checkInputValue(); }, _managePreventDefault: function managePreventDefault(keyName, $e) { var preventDefault, hintValue, inputValue; switch (keyName) { case "tab": hintValue = this.getHint(); inputValue = this.getInputValue(); preventDefault = hintValue && hintValue !== inputValue && !withModifier($e); break; case "up": case "down": preventDefault = !withModifier($e); break; default: preventDefault = false; } preventDefault && $e.preventDefault(); }, _shouldTrigger: function shouldTrigger(keyName, $e) { var trigger; switch (keyName) { case "tab": trigger = !withModifier($e); break; default: trigger = true; } return trigger; }, _checkInputValue: function checkInputValue() { var inputValue, areEquivalent, hasDifferentWhitespace; inputValue = this.getInputValue(); areEquivalent = areQueriesEquivalent(inputValue, this.query); hasDifferentWhitespace = areEquivalent ? this.query.length !== inputValue.length : false; if (!areEquivalent) { this.trigger("queryChanged", this.query = inputValue); } else if (hasDifferentWhitespace) { this.trigger("whitespaceChanged", this.query); } }, focus: function focus() { this.$input.focus(); }, blur: function blur() { this.$input.blur(); }, getQuery: function getQuery() { return this.query; }, setQuery: function setQuery(query) { this.query = query; }, getInputValue: function getInputValue() { return this.$input.val(); }, setInputValue: function setInputValue(value, silent) { this.$input.val(value); silent ? this.clearHint() : this._checkInputValue(); }, resetInputValue: function resetInputValue() { this.setInputValue(this.query, true); }, getHint: function getHint() { return this.$hint.val(); }, setHint: function setHint(value) { this.$hint.val(value); }, clearHint: function clearHint() { this.setHint(""); }, clearHintIfInvalid: function clearHintIfInvalid() { var val, hint, valIsPrefixOfHint, isValid; val = this.getInputValue(); hint = this.getHint(); valIsPrefixOfHint = val !== hint && hint.indexOf(val) === 0; isValid = val !== "" && valIsPrefixOfHint && !this.hasOverflow(); !isValid && this.clearHint(); }, getLanguageDirection: function getLanguageDirection() { return (this.$input.css("direction") || "ltr").toLowerCase(); }, hasOverflow: function hasOverflow() { var constraint = this.$input.width() - 2; this.$overflowHelper.text(this.getInputValue()); return this.$overflowHelper.width() >= constraint; }, isCursorAtEnd: function() { var valueLength, selectionStart, range; valueLength = this.$input.val().length; selectionStart = this.$input[0].selectionStart; if (_.isNumber(selectionStart)) { return selectionStart === valueLength; } else if (document.selection) { range = document.selection.createRange(); range.moveStart("character", -valueLength); return valueLength === range.text.length; } return true; }, destroy: function destroy() { this.$hint.off(".tt"); this.$input.off(".tt"); this.$hint = this.$input = this.$overflowHelper = null; } }); return Input; function buildOverflowHelper($input) { return $('').css({ position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", whiteSpace: "pre", fontFamily: $input.css("font-family"), fontSize: $input.css("font-size"), fontStyle: $input.css("font-style"), fontVariant: $input.css("font-variant"), fontWeight: $input.css("font-weight"), wordSpacing: $input.css("word-spacing"), letterSpacing: $input.css("letter-spacing"), textIndent: $input.css("text-indent"), textRendering: $input.css("text-rendering"), textTransform: $input.css("text-transform") }).insertAfter($input); } function areQueriesEquivalent(a, b) { return Input.normalizeQuery(a) === Input.normalizeQuery(b); } function withModifier($e) { return $e.altKey || $e.ctrlKey || $e.metaKey || $e.shiftKey; } }(); var Dataset = function() { var datasetKey = "ttDataset", valueKey = "ttValue", datumKey = "ttDatum"; function Dataset(o) { o = o || {}; o.templates = o.templates || {}; if (!o.source) { $.error("missing source"); } if (o.name && !isValidName(o.name)) { $.error("invalid dataset name: " + o.name); } this.query = null; this.highlight = !!o.highlight; this.name = o.name || _.getUniqueId(); this.source = o.source; this.displayFn = getDisplayFn(o.display || o.displayKey); this.templates = getTemplates(o.templates, this.displayFn); this.$el = $(html.dataset.replace("%CLASS%", this.name)); } Dataset.extractDatasetName = function extractDatasetName(el) { return $(el).data(datasetKey); }; Dataset.extractValue = function extractDatum(el) { return $(el).data(valueKey); }; Dataset.extractDatum = function extractDatum(el) { return $(el).data(datumKey); }; _.mixin(Dataset.prototype, EventEmitter, { _render: function render(query, suggestions) { if (!this.$el) { return; } var that = this, hasSuggestions; this.$el.empty(); hasSuggestions = suggestions && suggestions.length; if (!hasSuggestions && this.templates.empty) { this.$el.html(getEmptyHtml()).prepend(that.templates.header ? getHeaderHtml() : null).append(that.templates.footer ? getFooterHtml() : null); } else if (hasSuggestions) { this.$el.html(getSuggestionsHtml()).prepend(that.templates.header ? getHeaderHtml() : null).append(that.templates.footer ? getFooterHtml() : null); } this.trigger("rendered"); function getEmptyHtml() { return that.templates.empty({ query: query, isEmpty: true }); } function getSuggestionsHtml() { var $suggestions, nodes; $suggestions = $(html.suggestions).css(css.suggestions); nodes = _.map(suggestions, getSuggestionNode); $suggestions.append.apply($suggestions, nodes); that.highlight && highlight({ node: $suggestions[0], pattern: query }); return $suggestions; function getSuggestionNode(suggestion) { var $el; $el = $(html.suggestion).append(that.templates.suggestion(suggestion)).data(datasetKey, that.name).data(valueKey, that.displayFn(suggestion)).data(datumKey, suggestion); $el.children().each(function() { $(this).css(css.suggestionChild); }); return $el; } } function getHeaderHtml() { return that.templates.header({ query: query, isEmpty: !hasSuggestions }); } function getFooterHtml() { return that.templates.footer({ query: query, isEmpty: !hasSuggestions }); } }, getRoot: function getRoot() { return this.$el; }, update: function update(query) { var that = this; this.query = query; this.canceled = false; this.source(query, render); function render(suggestions) { if (!that.canceled && query === that.query) { that._render(query, suggestions); } } }, cancel: function cancel() { this.canceled = true; }, clear: function clear() { this.cancel(); this.$el.empty(); this.trigger("rendered"); }, isEmpty: function isEmpty() { return this.$el.is(":empty"); }, destroy: function destroy() { this.$el = null; } }); return Dataset; function getDisplayFn(display) { display = display || "value"; return _.isFunction(display) ? display : displayFn; function displayFn(obj) { return obj[display]; } } function getTemplates(templates, displayFn) { return { empty: templates.empty && _.templatify(templates.empty), header: templates.header && _.templatify(templates.header), footer: templates.footer && _.templatify(templates.footer), suggestion: templates.suggestion || suggestionTemplate }; function suggestionTemplate(context) { return "" + displayFn(context) + "
"; } } function isValidName(str) { return /^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/.test(str); } }(); var Dropdown = function() { function Dropdown(o) { var that = this, onSuggestionClick, onSuggestionMouseEnter, onSuggestionMouseLeave; o = o || {}; if (!o.menu) { $.error("menu is required"); } this.isOpen = false; this.isEmpty = true; this.datasets = _.map(o.datasets, initializeDataset); onSuggestionClick = _.bind(this._onSuggestionClick, this); onSuggestionMouseEnter = _.bind(this._onSuggestionMouseEnter, this); onSuggestionMouseLeave = _.bind(this._onSuggestionMouseLeave, this); this.$menu = $(o.menu).on("click.tt", ".tt-suggestion", onSuggestionClick).on("mouseenter.tt", ".tt-suggestion", onSuggestionMouseEnter).on("mouseleave.tt", ".tt-suggestion", onSuggestionMouseLeave); _.each(this.datasets, function(dataset) { that.$menu.append(dataset.getRoot()); dataset.onSync("rendered", that._onRendered, that); }); } _.mixin(Dropdown.prototype, EventEmitter, { _onSuggestionClick: function onSuggestionClick($e) { this.trigger("suggestionClicked", $($e.currentTarget)); }, _onSuggestionMouseEnter: function onSuggestionMouseEnter($e) { this._removeCursor(); this._setCursor($($e.currentTarget), true); }, _onSuggestionMouseLeave: function onSuggestionMouseLeave() { this._removeCursor(); }, _onRendered: function onRendered() { this.isEmpty = _.every(this.datasets, isDatasetEmpty); this.isEmpty ? this._hide() : this.isOpen && this._show(); this.trigger("datasetRendered"); function isDatasetEmpty(dataset) { return dataset.isEmpty(); } }, _hide: function() { this.$menu.hide(); }, _show: function() { this.$menu.css("display", "block"); }, _getSuggestions: function getSuggestions() { return this.$menu.find(".tt-suggestion"); }, _getCursor: function getCursor() { return this.$menu.find(".tt-cursor").first(); }, _setCursor: function setCursor($el, silent) { $el.first().addClass("tt-cursor"); !silent && this.trigger("cursorMoved"); }, _removeCursor: function removeCursor() { this._getCursor().removeClass("tt-cursor"); }, _moveCursor: function moveCursor(increment) { var $suggestions, $oldCursor, newCursorIndex, $newCursor; if (!this.isOpen) { return; } $oldCursor = this._getCursor(); $suggestions = this._getSuggestions(); this._removeCursor(); newCursorIndex = $suggestions.index($oldCursor) + increment; newCursorIndex = (newCursorIndex + 1) % ($suggestions.length + 1) - 1; if (newCursorIndex === -1) { this.trigger("cursorRemoved"); return; } else if (newCursorIndex < -1) { newCursorIndex = $suggestions.length - 1; } this._setCursor($newCursor = $suggestions.eq(newCursorIndex)); this._ensureVisible($newCursor); }, _ensureVisible: function ensureVisible($el) { var elTop, elBottom, menuScrollTop, menuHeight; elTop = $el.position().top; elBottom = elTop + $el.outerHeight(true); menuScrollTop = this.$menu.scrollTop(); menuHeight = this.$menu.height() + parseInt(this.$menu.css("paddingTop"), 10) + parseInt(this.$menu.css("paddingBottom"), 10); if (elTop < 0) { this.$menu.scrollTop(menuScrollTop + elTop); } else if (menuHeight < elBottom) { this.$menu.scrollTop(menuScrollTop + (elBottom - menuHeight)); } }, close: function close() { if (this.isOpen) { this.isOpen = false; this._removeCursor(); this._hide(); this.trigger("closed"); } }, open: function open() { if (!this.isOpen) { this.isOpen = true; !this.isEmpty && this._show(); this.trigger("opened"); } }, setLanguageDirection: function setLanguageDirection(dir) { this.$menu.css(dir === "ltr" ? css.ltr : css.rtl); }, moveCursorUp: function moveCursorUp() { this._moveCursor(-1); }, moveCursorDown: function moveCursorDown() { this._moveCursor(+1); }, getDatumForSuggestion: function getDatumForSuggestion($el) { var datum = null; if ($el.length) { datum = { raw: Dataset.extractDatum($el), value: Dataset.extractValue($el), datasetName: Dataset.extractDatasetName($el) }; } return datum; }, getDatumForCursor: function getDatumForCursor() { return this.getDatumForSuggestion(this._getCursor().first()); }, getDatumForTopSuggestion: function getDatumForTopSuggestion() { return this.getDatumForSuggestion(this._getSuggestions().first()); }, update: function update(query) { _.each(this.datasets, updateDataset); function updateDataset(dataset) { dataset.update(query); } }, empty: function empty() { _.each(this.datasets, clearDataset); this.isEmpty = true; function clearDataset(dataset) { dataset.clear(); } }, isVisible: function isVisible() { return this.isOpen && !this.isEmpty; }, destroy: function destroy() { this.$menu.off(".tt"); this.$menu = null; _.each(this.datasets, destroyDataset); function destroyDataset(dataset) { dataset.destroy(); } } }); return Dropdown; function initializeDataset(oDataset) { return new Dataset(oDataset); } }(); var Typeahead = function() { var attrsKey = "ttAttrs"; function Typeahead(o) { var $menu, $input, $hint; o = o || {}; if (!o.input) { $.error("missing input"); } this.isActivated = false; this.autoselect = !!o.autoselect; this.minLength = _.isNumber(o.minLength) ? o.minLength : 1; this.$node = buildDomStructure(o.input, o.withHint); $menu = this.$node.find(".tt-dropdown-menu"); $input = this.$node.find(".tt-input"); $hint = this.$node.find(".tt-hint"); $input.on("blur.tt", function($e) { var active, isActive, hasActive; active = document.activeElement; isActive = $menu.is(active); hasActive = $menu.has(active).length > 0; if (_.isMsie() && (isActive || hasActive)) { $e.preventDefault(); $e.stopImmediatePropagation(); _.defer(function() { $input.focus(); }); } }); $menu.on("mousedown.tt", function($e) { $e.preventDefault(); }); this.eventBus = o.eventBus || new EventBus({ el: $input }); this.dropdown = new Dropdown({ menu: $menu, datasets: o.datasets }).onSync("suggestionClicked", this._onSuggestionClicked, this).onSync("cursorMoved", this._onCursorMoved, this).onSync("cursorRemoved", this._onCursorRemoved, this).onSync("opened", this._onOpened, this).onSync("closed", this._onClosed, this).onAsync("datasetRendered", this._onDatasetRendered, this); this.input = new Input({ input: $input, hint: $hint }).onSync("focused", this._onFocused, this).onSync("blurred", this._onBlurred, this).onSync("enterKeyed", this._onEnterKeyed, this).onSync("tabKeyed", this._onTabKeyed, this).onSync("escKeyed", this._onEscKeyed, this).onSync("upKeyed", this._onUpKeyed, this).onSync("downKeyed", this._onDownKeyed, this).onSync("leftKeyed", this._onLeftKeyed, this).onSync("rightKeyed", this._onRightKeyed, this).onSync("queryChanged", this._onQueryChanged, this).onSync("whitespaceChanged", this._onWhitespaceChanged, this); this._setLanguageDirection(); } _.mixin(Typeahead.prototype, { _onSuggestionClicked: function onSuggestionClicked(type, $el) { var datum; if (datum = this.dropdown.getDatumForSuggestion($el)) { this._select(datum); } }, _onCursorMoved: function onCursorMoved() { var datum = this.dropdown.getDatumForCursor(); this.input.setInputValue(datum.value, true); this.eventBus.trigger("cursorchanged", datum.raw, datum.datasetName); }, _onCursorRemoved: function onCursorRemoved() { this.input.resetInputValue(); this._updateHint(); }, _onDatasetRendered: function onDatasetRendered() { this._updateHint(); }, _onOpened: function onOpened() { this._updateHint(); this.eventBus.trigger("opened"); }, _onClosed: function onClosed() { this.input.clearHint(); this.eventBus.trigger("closed"); }, _onFocused: function onFocused() { this.isActivated = true; this.dropdown.open(); }, _onBlurred: function onBlurred() { this.isActivated = false; this.dropdown.empty(); this.dropdown.close(); this.setVal("", true); //LM }, _onEnterKeyed: function onEnterKeyed(type, $e) { var cursorDatum, topSuggestionDatum; cursorDatum = this.dropdown.getDatumForCursor(); topSuggestionDatum = this.dropdown.getDatumForTopSuggestion(); if (cursorDatum) { this._select(cursorDatum); $e.preventDefault(); } else if (this.autoselect && topSuggestionDatum) { this._select(topSuggestionDatum); $e.preventDefault(); } }, _onTabKeyed: function onTabKeyed(type, $e) { var datum; if (datum = this.dropdown.getDatumForCursor()) { this._select(datum); $e.preventDefault(); } else { this._autocomplete(true); } }, _onEscKeyed: function onEscKeyed() { this.dropdown.close(); this.input.resetInputValue(); }, _onUpKeyed: function onUpKeyed() { var query = this.input.getQuery(); this.dropdown.isEmpty && query.length >= this.minLength ? this.dropdown.update(query) : this.dropdown.moveCursorUp(); this.dropdown.open(); }, _onDownKeyed: function onDownKeyed() { var query = this.input.getQuery(); this.dropdown.isEmpty && query.length >= this.minLength ? this.dropdown.update(query) : this.dropdown.moveCursorDown(); this.dropdown.open(); }, _onLeftKeyed: function onLeftKeyed() { this.dir === "rtl" && this._autocomplete(); }, _onRightKeyed: function onRightKeyed() { this.dir === "ltr" && this._autocomplete(); }, _onQueryChanged: function onQueryChanged(e, query) { this.input.clearHintIfInvalid(); query.length >= this.minLength ? this.dropdown.update(query) : this.dropdown.empty(); this.dropdown.open(); this._setLanguageDirection(); }, _onWhitespaceChanged: function onWhitespaceChanged() { this._updateHint(); this.dropdown.open(); }, _setLanguageDirection: function setLanguageDirection() { var dir; if (this.dir !== (dir = this.input.getLanguageDirection())) { this.dir = dir; this.$node.css("direction", dir); this.dropdown.setLanguageDirection(dir); } }, _updateHint: function updateHint() { var datum, val, query, escapedQuery, frontMatchRegEx, match; datum = this.dropdown.getDatumForTopSuggestion(); if (datum && this.dropdown.isVisible() && !this.input.hasOverflow()) { val = this.input.getInputValue(); query = Input.normalizeQuery(val); escapedQuery = _.escapeRegExChars(query); frontMatchRegEx = new RegExp("^(?:" + escapedQuery + ")(.+$)", "i"); match = frontMatchRegEx.exec(datum.value); match ? this.input.setHint(val + match[1]) : this.input.clearHint(); } else { this.input.clearHint(); } }, _autocomplete: function autocomplete(laxCursor) { var hint, query, isCursorAtEnd, datum; hint = this.input.getHint(); query = this.input.getQuery(); isCursorAtEnd = laxCursor || this.input.isCursorAtEnd(); if (hint && query !== hint && isCursorAtEnd) { datum = this.dropdown.getDatumForTopSuggestion(); datum && this.input.setInputValue(datum.value); this.eventBus.trigger("autocompleted", datum.raw, datum.datasetName); } }, _select: function select(datum) { this.input.setQuery(datum.value); this.input.setInputValue(datum.value, true); this._setLanguageDirection(); this.eventBus.trigger("selected", datum.raw, datum.datasetName); this.dropdown.close(); _.defer(_.bind(this.dropdown.empty, this.dropdown)); }, open: function open() { this.dropdown.open(); }, close: function close() { this.dropdown.close(); }, setVal: function setVal(val) { if (this.isActivated) { this.input.setInputValue(val); } else { this.input.setQuery(val); this.input.setInputValue(val, true); } this._setLanguageDirection(); }, getVal: function getVal() { return this.input.getQuery(); }, destroy: function destroy() { this.input.destroy(); this.dropdown.destroy(); destroyDomStructure(this.$node); this.$node = null; } }); return Typeahead; function buildDomStructure(input, withHint) { var $input, $wrapper, $dropdown, $hint; $input = $(input); $wrapper = $(html.wrapper).css(css.wrapper); $dropdown = $(html.dropdown).css(css.dropdown); $hint = $input.clone().css(css.hint).css(getBackgroundStyles($input)); $hint.val("").removeData().addClass("tt-hint").removeAttr("id name placeholder").prop("disabled", true).attr({ autocomplete: "off", spellcheck: "false" }); $input.data(attrsKey, { dir: $input.attr("dir"), autocomplete: $input.attr("autocomplete"), spellcheck: $input.attr("spellcheck"), style: $input.attr("style") }); $input.addClass("tt-input").attr({ autocomplete: "off", spellcheck: false }).css(withHint ? css.input : css.inputWithNoHint); try { !$input.attr("dir") && $input.attr("dir", "auto"); } catch (e) {} return $input.wrap($wrapper).parent().prepend(withHint ? $hint : null).append($dropdown); } function getBackgroundStyles($el) { return { backgroundAttachment: $el.css("background-attachment"), backgroundClip: $el.css("background-clip"), backgroundColor: $el.css("background-color"), backgroundImage: $el.css("background-image"), backgroundOrigin: $el.css("background-origin"), backgroundPosition: $el.css("background-position"), backgroundRepeat: $el.css("background-repeat"), backgroundSize: $el.css("background-size") }; } function destroyDomStructure($node) { var $input = $node.find(".tt-input"); _.each($input.data(attrsKey), function(val, key) { _.isUndefined(val) ? $input.removeAttr(key) : $input.attr(key, val); }); $input.detach().removeData(attrsKey).removeClass("tt-input").insertAfter($node); $node.remove(); } }(); (function() { var old, typeaheadKey, methods; old = $.fn.typeahead; typeaheadKey = "ttTypeahead"; methods = { initialize: function initialize(o, datasets) { datasets = _.isArray(datasets) ? datasets : [].slice.call(arguments, 1); o = o || {}; return this.each(attach); function attach() { var $input = $(this), eventBus, typeahead; _.each(datasets, function(d) { d.highlight = !!o.highlight; }); typeahead = new Typeahead({ input: $input, eventBus: eventBus = new EventBus({ el: $input }), withHint: _.isUndefined(o.hint) ? true : !!o.hint, minLength: o.minLength, autoselect: o.autoselect, datasets: datasets }); $input.data(typeaheadKey, typeahead); } }, open: function open() { return this.each(openTypeahead); function openTypeahead() { var $input = $(this), typeahead; if (typeahead = $input.data(typeaheadKey)) { typeahead.open(); } } }, close: function close() { return this.each(closeTypeahead); function closeTypeahead() { var $input = $(this), typeahead; if (typeahead = $input.data(typeaheadKey)) { typeahead.close(); } } }, val: function val(newVal) { return !arguments.length ? getVal(this.first()) : this.each(setVal); function setVal() { var $input = $(this), typeahead; if (typeahead = $input.data(typeaheadKey)) { typeahead.setVal(newVal); } } function getVal($input) { var typeahead, query; if (typeahead = $input.data(typeaheadKey)) { query = typeahead.getVal(); } return query; } }, destroy: function destroy() { return this.each(unattach); function unattach() { var $input = $(this), typeahead; if (typeahead = $input.data(typeaheadKey)) { typeahead.destroy(); $input.removeData(typeaheadKey); } } } }; $.fn.typeahead = function(method) { if (methods[method]) { return methods[method].apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); } else { return methods.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } }; $.fn.typeahead.noConflict = function noConflict() { $.fn.typeahead = old; return this; }; })(); //})(window.jQuery); }); define('searchView',[ 'App', // Templates 'text!tpl/search.html', 'text!tpl/search_suggestion.html', // Tools 'typeahead' ], function(App, searchTpl, suggestionTpl) { var searchView = Backbone.View.extend({ el: '#search', /** * Init. */ init: function() { var tpl = _.template(searchTpl); var className = 'form-control input-lg'; var placeholder = 'Search reference'; this.searchHtml = tpl({ 'placeholder': placeholder, 'className': className }); this.items = App.classes.concat(App.allItems); return this; }, /** * Render input field with Typehead activated. */ render: function() { // Append the view to the dom this.$el.append(this.searchHtml); // Render Typeahead var $searchInput = this.$el.find('input[type=text]'); this.typeaheadRender($searchInput); this.typeaheadEvents($searchInput); return this; }, /** * Apply Twitter Typeahead to the search input field. * @param {jquery} $input */ typeaheadRender: function($input) { var self = this; $input.typeahead(null, { 'displayKey': 'name', 'minLength': 2, //'highlight': true, 'source': self.substringMatcher(this.items), 'templates': { 'empty': ' ', 'suggestion': _.template(suggestionTpl) } }); }, /** * Setup typeahead custom events (item selected). */ typeaheadEvents: function($input) { var self = this; $input.on('typeahead:selected', function(e, item, datasetName) { var selectedItem = self.items[item.idx]; select(selectedItem); }); $input.on('keydown', function(e) { if (e.which === 13) { // enter var txt = $input.val(); var f = _.find(self.items, function(it) { return it.name == txt; }); if (f) { select(f); } } else if (e.which === 27) { $input.blur(); } }); function select(selectedItem) { var hash = App.router.getHash(selectedItem);// App.router.navigate(hash, {'trigger': true}); $('#item').focus(); } }, /** * substringMatcher function for Typehead (search for strings in an array). * @param {array} array * @returns {Function} */ substringMatcher: function(array) { return function findMatches(query, callback) { var matches = [], substrRegex, arrayLength = array.length; // regex used to determine if a string contains the substring `query` substrRegex = new RegExp(query, 'i'); // iterate through the pool of strings and for any string that // contains the substring `query`, add it to the `matches` array for (var i=0; i < arrayLength; i++) { var item = array[i]; if (substrRegex.test(item.name)) { // typeahead expects suggestions to be a js object matches.push({ 'itemtype': item.itemtype, 'name': item.name, 'className': item.class, 'is_constructor': !!item.is_constructor, 'final': item.final, 'idx': i }); } } callback(matches); }; } }); return searchView; }); define('text!tpl/list.html',[],function () { return '<% _.each(groups, function(group){ %>\n\n Deprecated: <%=item.name%><% if (item.isMethod) { %>()<% } %> is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of p5. <% if (item.deprecationMessage) { %><%=item.deprecationMessage%><% } %>\n
\n <% } %>\n \n\n <%= item.description %>\n\n <% if (item.extends) { %>\nExtends <%=item.extends%>
\n <% } %>\n\n <% if (item.module === \'p5.sound\') { %>\nThis function requires you include the p5.sound library. Add the following into the head of your index.html file:\n
<script src="path/to/p5.sound.js"></script>
\n \n <% } %>\n\n <% if (item.constRefs) { %>\n Used by:\n <%\n var refs = item.constRefs;\n for (var i = 0; i < refs.length; i ++) {\n var ref = refs[i];\n var name = ref;\n if (name.substr(0, 3) === \'p5.\') {\n name = name.substr(3);\n }\n if (i !== 0) {\n if (i == refs.length - 1) {\n %> and <%\n } else {\n %>, <%\n }\n }\n %><%= name %>()<%\n }\n %>\n
\n <% } %>\n\n <% syntaxes.forEach(function(syntax) { %>\n
<%= syntax %>
\n <% }) %>\n \n<%=item.return.type%>: <%= item.return.description %>
\n* For a fairly comprehensive set of languages see the * README * file that came with this source. At a minimum, the lexer should work on a * number of languages including C and friends, Java, Python, Bash, SQL, HTML, * XML, CSS, Javascript, and Makefiles. It works passably on Ruby, PHP and Awk * and a subset of Perl, but, because of commenting conventions, doesn't work on * Smalltalk, Lisp-like, or CAML-like languages without an explicit lang class. *
* Usage:
} and {@code } tags in your source with
* {@code class=prettyprint.}
* You can also use the (html deprecated) {@code } tag, but the pretty
* printer needs to do more substantial DOM manipulations to support that, so
* some css styles may not be preserved.
} or {@code } element to specify the
* language, as in {@code }. Any class that
* starts with "lang-" followed by a file extension, specifies the file type.
* See the "lang-*.js" files in this directory for code that implements
* per-language file handlers.
* Change log:
* cbeust, 2006/08/22
* Java annotations (start with "@") are now captured as literals ("lit")
* @requires console
// JSLint declarations
/*global console, document, navigator, setTimeout, window, define */
/** @define {boolean} */
var IN_GLOBAL_SCOPE = true;
* Split {@code prettyPrint} into multiple timeouts so as not to interfere with
* UI events.
* If set to {@code false}, {@code prettyPrint()} is synchronous.
* Pretty print a chunk of code.
* @param {string} sourceCodeHtml The HTML to pretty print.
* @param {string} opt_langExtension The language name to use.
* Typically, a filename extension like 'cpp' or 'java'.
* @param {number|boolean} opt_numberLines True to number lines,
* or the 1-indexed number of the first line in sourceCodeHtml.
* @return {string} code as html, but prettier
var prettyPrintOne;
* Find all the {@code } and {@code } tags in the DOM with
* {@code class=prettyprint} and prettify them.
* @param {Function} opt_whenDone called when prettifying is done.
* @param {HTMLElement|HTMLDocument} opt_root an element or document
* containing all the elements to pretty print.
* Defaults to {@code document.body}.
var prettyPrint;
(function () {
var win = window;
// Keyword lists for various languages.
// We use things that coerce to strings to make them compact when minified
// and to defeat aggressive optimizers that fold large string constants.
var FLOW_CONTROL_KEYWORDS = ["break,continue,do,else,for,if,return,while"];
var C_KEYWORDS = [FLOW_CONTROL_KEYWORDS,"auto,case,char,const,default," +
"double,enum,extern,float,goto,inline,int,long,register,short,signed," +
var COMMON_KEYWORDS = [C_KEYWORDS,"catch,class,delete,false,import," +
var CPP_KEYWORDS = [COMMON_KEYWORDS,"alignof,align_union,asm,axiom,bool," +
"concept,concept_map,const_cast,constexpr,decltype,delegate," +
"dynamic_cast,explicit,export,friend,generic,late_check," +
"mutable,namespace,nullptr,property,reinterpret_cast,static_assert," +
"abstract,assert,boolean,byte,extends,final,finally,implements,import," +
"instanceof,interface,null,native,package,strictfp,super,synchronized," +
"as,base,by,checked,decimal,delegate,descending,dynamic,event," +
"fixed,foreach,from,group,implicit,in,internal,into,is,let," +
"lock,object,out,override,orderby,params,partial,readonly,ref,sbyte," +
"sealed,stackalloc,string,select,uint,ulong,unchecked,unsafe,ushort," +
var COFFEE_KEYWORDS = "all,and,by,catch,class,else,extends,false,finally," +
"for,if,in,is,isnt,loop,new,no,not,null,of,off,on,or,return,super,then," +
"debugger,eval,export,function,get,null,set,undefined,var,with," +
var PERL_KEYWORDS = "caller,delete,die,do,dump,elsif,eval,exit,foreach,for," +
"goto,if,import,last,local,my,next,no,our,print,package,redo,require," +
var PYTHON_KEYWORDS = [FLOW_CONTROL_KEYWORDS, "and,as,assert,class,def,del," +
"elif,except,exec,finally,from,global,import,in,is,lambda," +
"nonlocal,not,or,pass,print,raise,try,with,yield," +
var RUBY_KEYWORDS = [FLOW_CONTROL_KEYWORDS, "alias,and,begin,case,class," +
"def,defined,elsif,end,ensure,false,in,module,next,nil,not,or,redo," +
"rescue,retry,self,super,then,true,undef,unless,until,when,yield," +
var RUST_KEYWORDS = [FLOW_CONTROL_KEYWORDS, "as,assert,const,copy,drop," +
"enum,extern,fail,false,fn,impl,let,log,loop,match,mod,move,mut,priv," +
var SH_KEYWORDS = [FLOW_CONTROL_KEYWORDS, "case,done,elif,esac,eval,fi," +
var C_TYPES = /^(DIR|FILE|vector|(de|priority_)?queue|list|stack|(const_)?iterator|(multi)?(set|map)|bitset|u?(int|float)\d*)\b/;
// token style names. correspond to css classes
* token style for a string literal
* @const
var PR_STRING = 'str';
* token style for a keyword
* @const
var PR_KEYWORD = 'kwd';
* token style for a comment
* @const
var PR_COMMENT = 'com';
* token style for a type
* @const
var PR_TYPE = 'typ';
* token style for a literal value. e.g. 1, null, true.
* @const
var PR_LITERAL = 'lit';
* token style for a punctuation string.
* @const
var PR_PUNCTUATION = 'pun';
* token style for plain text.
* @const
var PR_PLAIN = 'pln';
* token style for an sgml tag.
* @const
var PR_TAG = 'tag';
* token style for a markup declaration such as a DOCTYPE.
* @const
var PR_DECLARATION = 'dec';
* token style for embedded source.
* @const
var PR_SOURCE = 'src';
* token style for an sgml attribute name.
* @const
var PR_ATTRIB_NAME = 'atn';
* token style for an sgml attribute value.
* @const
var PR_ATTRIB_VALUE = 'atv';
* A class that indicates a section of markup that is not code, e.g. to allow
* embedding of line numbers within code listings.
* @const
var PR_NOCODE = 'nocode';
* A set of tokens that can precede a regular expression literal in
* javascript
* http://web.archive.org/web/20070717142515/http://www.mozilla.org/js/language/js20/rationale/syntax.html
* has the full list, but I've removed ones that might be problematic when
* seen in languages that don't support regular expression literals.
* Specifically, I've removed any keywords that can't precede a regexp
* literal in a syntactically legal javascript program, and I've removed the
* "in" keyword since it's not a keyword in many languages, and might be used
* as a count of inches.
The link above does not accurately describe EcmaScript rules since
* it fails to distinguish between (a=++/b/i) and (a++/b/i) but it works
* very well in practice.
* @private
* @const
var REGEXP_PRECEDER_PATTERN = '(?:^^\\.?|[+-]|[!=]=?=?|\\#|%=?|&&?=?|\\(|\\*=?|[+\\-]=|->|\\/=?|::?|<=?|>>?>?=?|,|;|\\?|@|\\[|~|{|\\^\\^?=?|\\|\\|?=?|break|case|continue|delete|do|else|finally|instanceof|return|throw|try|typeof)\\s*';
// CAVEAT: this does not properly handle the case where a regular
// expression immediately follows another since a regular expression may
// have flags for case-sensitivity and the like. Having regexp tokens
// adjacent is not valid in any language I'm aware of, so I'm punting.
// TODO: maybe style special characters inside a regexp as punctuation.
* Given a group of {@link RegExp}s, returns a {@code RegExp} that globally
* matches the union of the sets of strings matched by the input RegExp.
* Since it matches globally, if the input strings have a start-of-input
* anchor (/^.../), it is ignored for the purposes of unioning.
* @param {Array.} regexs non multiline, non-global regexs.
* @return {RegExp} a global regex.
function combinePrefixPatterns(regexs) {
var capturedGroupIndex = 0;
var needToFoldCase = false;
var ignoreCase = false;
for (var i = 0, n = regexs.length; i < n; ++i) {
var regex = regexs[i];
if (regex.ignoreCase) {
ignoreCase = true;
} else if (/[a-z]/i.test(regex.source.replace(
/\\u[0-9a-f]{4}|\\x[0-9a-f]{2}|\\[^ux]/gi, ''))) {
needToFoldCase = true;
ignoreCase = false;
var escapeCharToCodeUnit = {
'b': 8,
't': 9,
'n': 0xa,
'v': 0xb,
'f': 0xc,
'r': 0xd
function decodeEscape(charsetPart) {
var cc0 = charsetPart.charCodeAt(0);
if (cc0 !== 92 /* \\ */) {
return cc0;
var c1 = charsetPart.charAt(1);
cc0 = escapeCharToCodeUnit[c1];
if (cc0) {
return cc0;
} else if ('0' <= c1 && c1 <= '7') {
return parseInt(charsetPart.substring(1), 8);
} else if (c1 === 'u' || c1 === 'x') {
return parseInt(charsetPart.substring(2), 16);
} else {
return charsetPart.charCodeAt(1);
function encodeEscape(charCode) {
if (charCode < 0x20) {
return (charCode < 0x10 ? '\\x0' : '\\x') + charCode.toString(16);
var ch = String.fromCharCode(charCode);
return (ch === '\\' || ch === '-' || ch === ']' || ch === '^')
? "\\" + ch : ch;
function caseFoldCharset(charSet) {
var charsetParts = charSet.substring(1, charSet.length - 1).match(
new RegExp(
+ '|\\\\x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}'
+ '|\\\\[0-3][0-7]{0,2}'
+ '|\\\\[0-7]{1,2}'
+ '|\\\\[\\s\\S]'
+ '|-'
+ '|[^-\\\\]',
var ranges = [];
var inverse = charsetParts[0] === '^';
var out = ['['];
if (inverse) { out.push('^'); }
for (var i = inverse ? 1 : 0, n = charsetParts.length; i < n; ++i) {
var p = charsetParts[i];
if (/\\[bdsw]/i.test(p)) { // Don't muck with named groups.
} else {
var start = decodeEscape(p);
var end;
if (i + 2 < n && '-' === charsetParts[i + 1]) {
end = decodeEscape(charsetParts[i + 2]);
i += 2;
} else {
end = start;
ranges.push([start, end]);
// If the range might intersect letters, then expand it.
// This case handling is too simplistic.
// It does not deal with non-latin case folding.
// It works for latin source code identifiers though.
if (!(end < 65 || start > 122)) {
if (!(end < 65 || start > 90)) {
ranges.push([Math.max(65, start) | 32, Math.min(end, 90) | 32]);
if (!(end < 97 || start > 122)) {
ranges.push([Math.max(97, start) & ~32, Math.min(end, 122) & ~32]);
// [[1, 10], [3, 4], [8, 12], [14, 14], [16, 16], [17, 17]]
// -> [[1, 12], [14, 14], [16, 17]]
ranges.sort(function (a, b) { return (a[0] - b[0]) || (b[1] - a[1]); });
var consolidatedRanges = [];
var lastRange = [];
for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; ++i) {
var range = ranges[i];
if (range[0] <= lastRange[1] + 1) {
lastRange[1] = Math.max(lastRange[1], range[1]);
} else {
consolidatedRanges.push(lastRange = range);
for (var i = 0; i < consolidatedRanges.length; ++i) {
var range = consolidatedRanges[i];
if (range[1] > range[0]) {
if (range[1] + 1 > range[0]) { out.push('-'); }
return out.join('');
function allowAnywhereFoldCaseAndRenumberGroups(regex) {
// Split into character sets, escape sequences, punctuation strings
// like ('(', '(?:', ')', '^'), and runs of characters that do not
// include any of the above.
var parts = regex.source.match(
new RegExp(
+ '\\[(?:[^\\x5C\\x5D]|\\\\[\\s\\S])*\\]' // a character set
+ '|\\\\u[A-Fa-f0-9]{4}' // a unicode escape
+ '|\\\\x[A-Fa-f0-9]{2}' // a hex escape
+ '|\\\\[0-9]+' // a back-reference or octal escape
+ '|\\\\[^ux0-9]' // other escape sequence
+ '|\\(\\?[:!=]' // start of a non-capturing group
+ '|[\\(\\)\\^]' // start/end of a group, or line start
+ '|[^\\x5B\\x5C\\(\\)\\^]+' // run of other characters
+ ')',
var n = parts.length;
// Maps captured group numbers to the number they will occupy in
// the output or to -1 if that has not been determined, or to
// undefined if they need not be capturing in the output.
var capturedGroups = [];
// Walk over and identify back references to build the capturedGroups
// mapping.
for (var i = 0, groupIndex = 0; i < n; ++i) {
var p = parts[i];
if (p === '(') {
// groups are 1-indexed, so max group index is count of '('
} else if ('\\' === p.charAt(0)) {
var decimalValue = +p.substring(1);
if (decimalValue) {
if (decimalValue <= groupIndex) {
capturedGroups[decimalValue] = -1;
} else {
// Replace with an unambiguous escape sequence so that
// an octal escape sequence does not turn into a backreference
// to a capturing group from an earlier regex.
parts[i] = encodeEscape(decimalValue);
// Renumber groups and reduce capturing groups to non-capturing groups
// where possible.
for (var i = 1; i < capturedGroups.length; ++i) {
if (-1 === capturedGroups[i]) {
capturedGroups[i] = ++capturedGroupIndex;
for (var i = 0, groupIndex = 0; i < n; ++i) {
var p = parts[i];
if (p === '(') {
if (!capturedGroups[groupIndex]) {
parts[i] = '(?:';
} else if ('\\' === p.charAt(0)) {
var decimalValue = +p.substring(1);
if (decimalValue && decimalValue <= groupIndex) {
parts[i] = '\\' + capturedGroups[decimalValue];
// Remove any prefix anchors so that the output will match anywhere.
// ^^ really does mean an anchored match though.
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if ('^' === parts[i] && '^' !== parts[i + 1]) { parts[i] = ''; }
// Expand letters to groups to handle mixing of case-sensitive and
// case-insensitive patterns if necessary.
if (regex.ignoreCase && needToFoldCase) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
var p = parts[i];
var ch0 = p.charAt(0);
if (p.length >= 2 && ch0 === '[') {
parts[i] = caseFoldCharset(p);
} else if (ch0 !== '\\') {
// TODO: handle letters in numeric escapes.
parts[i] = p.replace(
function (ch) {
var cc = ch.charCodeAt(0);
return '[' + String.fromCharCode(cc & ~32, cc | 32) + ']';
return parts.join('');
var rewritten = [];
for (var i = 0, n = regexs.length; i < n; ++i) {
var regex = regexs[i];
if (regex.global || regex.multiline) { throw new Error('' + regex); }
'(?:' + allowAnywhereFoldCaseAndRenumberGroups(regex) + ')');
return new RegExp(rewritten.join('|'), ignoreCase ? 'gi' : 'g');
* Split markup into a string of source code and an array mapping ranges in
* that string to the text nodes in which they appear.
* The HTML DOM structure:
* (Element "p"
* (Element "b"
* (Text "print ")) ; #1
* (Text "'Hello '") ; #2
* (Element "br") ; #3
* (Text " + 'World';")) ; #4
* corresponds to the HTML
* {@code
print 'Hello '
+ 'World';
* It will produce the output:
* {
* sourceCode: "print 'Hello '\n + 'World';",
* // 1 2
* // 012345678901234 5678901234567
* spans: [0, #1, 6, #2, 14, #3, 15, #4]
* }
* where #1 is a reference to the {@code "print "} text node above, and so
* on for the other text nodes.
* The {@code} spans array is an array of pairs. Even elements are the start
* indices of substrings, and odd elements are the text nodes (or BR elements)
* that contain the text for those substrings.
* Substrings continue until the next index or the end of the source.
* @param {Node} node an HTML DOM subtree containing source-code.
* @param {boolean} isPreformatted true if white-space in text nodes should
* be considered significant.
* @return {Object} source code and the text nodes in which they occur.
function extractSourceSpans(node, isPreformatted) {
var nocode = /(?:^|\s)nocode(?:\s|$)/;
var chunks = [];
var length = 0;
var spans = [];
var k = 0;
function walk(node) {
var type = node.nodeType;
if (type == 1) { // Element
if (nocode.test(node.className)) { return; }
for (var child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) {
var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if ('br' === nodeName || 'li' === nodeName) {
chunks[k] = '\n';
spans[k << 1] = length++;
spans[(k++ << 1) | 1] = node;
} else if (type == 3 || type == 4) { // Text
var text = node.nodeValue;
if (text.length) {
if (!isPreformatted) {
text = text.replace(/[ \t\r\n]+/g, ' ');
} else {
text = text.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n'); // Normalize newlines.
// TODO: handle tabs here?
chunks[k] = text;
spans[k << 1] = length;
length += text.length;
spans[(k++ << 1) | 1] = node;
return {
sourceCode: chunks.join('').replace(/\n$/, ''),
spans: spans
* Apply the given language handler to sourceCode and add the resulting
* decorations to out.
* @param {number} basePos the index of sourceCode within the chunk of source
* whose decorations are already present on out.
function appendDecorations(basePos, sourceCode, langHandler, out) {
if (!sourceCode) { return; }
var job = {
sourceCode: sourceCode,
basePos: basePos
out.push.apply(out, job.decorations);
var notWs = /\S/;
* Given an element, if it contains only one child element and any text nodes
* it contains contain only space characters, return the sole child element.
* Otherwise returns undefined.
* This is meant to return the CODE element in {@code
} when
* there is a single child element that contains all the non-space textual
* content, but not to return anything where there are multiple child elements
* as in {@code ...
} or when there
* is textual content.
function childContentWrapper(element) {
var wrapper = undefined;
for (var c = element.firstChild; c; c = c.nextSibling) {
var type = c.nodeType;
wrapper = (type === 1) // Element Node
? (wrapper ? element : c)
: (type === 3) // Text Node
? (notWs.test(c.nodeValue) ? element : wrapper)
: wrapper;
return wrapper === element ? undefined : wrapper;
/** Given triples of [style, pattern, context] returns a lexing function,
* The lexing function interprets the patterns to find token boundaries and
* returns a decoration list of the form
* [index_0, style_0, index_1, style_1, ..., index_n, style_n]
* where index_n is an index into the sourceCode, and style_n is a style
* constant like PR_PLAIN. index_n-1 <= index_n, and style_n-1 applies to
* all characters in sourceCode[index_n-1:index_n].
* The stylePatterns is a list whose elements have the form
* [style : string, pattern : RegExp, DEPRECATED, shortcut : string].
* Style is a style constant like PR_PLAIN, or can be a string of the
* form 'lang-FOO', where FOO is a language extension describing the
* language of the portion of the token in $1 after pattern executes.
* E.g., if style is 'lang-lisp', and group 1 contains the text
* '(hello (world))', then that portion of the token will be passed to the
* registered lisp handler for formatting.
* The text before and after group 1 will be restyled using this decorator
* so decorators should take care that this doesn't result in infinite
* recursion. For example, the HTML lexer rule for SCRIPT elements looks
* something like ['lang-js', /<[s]cript>(.+?)<\/script>/]. This may match
* '