function loadJavaScript(path) { const script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = path; document.head.appendChild(script); } function playdemos(list, delay = 10) { let fps = frameRate(); fps = 60; let n = floor((frameCount / (delay * fps)) % list.length); let func = list[n]; func(); } function drawGrid(color = 255, fade = 32) { push(); colorMode(RGB); stroke(color, fade); strokeWeight(1); for (let x = 0; x < width; x += 10) line(x, 0, x, height); for (let y = 0; y < height; y += 10) line(0, y, width, y); pop(); } function textInfo(title, date, name = "赵海洋爸爸", color = 255) { push(); colorMode(RGB); fill(color); noStroke(); text(`作品:${title}`, 30, height - 70); text(`作者:${name}`, 30, height - 50); text(`日期:${date}`, 30, height - 30); pop(); } function drawVector(vector, color = "#FFFFFF") { push(); fill(color); stroke(color); line(0, 0, vector.x, vector.y); circle(0, 0, 4); translate(vector.x, vector.y); rotate(vector.heading()); triangle(0, 0, -4, -2, -4, +2); pop(); } function vectorProjection(v1, v2) { const v2n = v2.copy().normalize(); const sp =; return v2n.setMag(sp); } function star(x, y, radius1, radius2, npoints) { let angle = TWO_PI / npoints; let halfAngle = angle / 2.0; beginShape(); for (let a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle) { let sx = x + cos(a) * radius2; let sy = y + sin(a) * radius2; vertex(sx, sy); sx = x + cos(a + halfAngle) * radius1; sy = y + sin(a + halfAngle) * radius1; vertex(sx, sy); } endShape(CLOSE); } // cartesian to polar function cartesianToPolara(x, y) { let v = createVector(x, y); return { r: v.mag(), θ: createVector(1, 0).angleBetween(v) }; } // polar to cartesian function polarToCartesian(r, θ) { return { x: r * cos(θ), y: r * sin(θ) }; }